Performance Data
A Summary of Data from the Academic Year 2022/23
Schools do not have to publish data for the year 2022/23 following Covid affected assessment periods. However, our children continue to work hard and we are proud to share their achievements.
- Year group made rapid progress in Upper KS2.
- Children meeting the expected standard in writing was exceptional.
- Phonics continues to be high.
- Overall results higher than the National Average.
A Summary of Data from the Academic Year 2021/22
Schools do not have to publish data for the year 2021/22 following Covid affected assessment periods. However, our children, the staff and the parent community worked tirelessly during lockdown, and even harder again when the children returned that we felt compelled to share what is a phenomenal achievement by all.
- Exceptional data coming out of Covid-19.
- All but one metric significantly above national average.
- Positive progress in all areas.
- The best Greater Depth scores since the begining of the expected standard assessment system.
- Scores and percentages within pre-covid parameters.
A Summary of Data from the Academic Year 2018/19
As a reflection of our relentless drive for a high quality of education for all children, we have seen our highest ever levels of expected data. This is an extraordinary achievement and continues to highlight the broad, enriching and highly inclusive curriculum on offer at The Churchill School.
- Large gains in children reaching he expected standard in all subjects by the end of Year 6.
- Writing by the end of KS2 continues to be outstanding.
- Children reaching a good level of development is slightly up and remains well above national.
- Particularly strong Reading data against national averages, at both expected and greater depth in KS2.
- KS2 - R,W,M combined, significantly above national levels.
- Gap between KS1 greater depth and national average is significantly reduced and even reversed in writing.
A Summary of Data from the Academic Year 2017/18
The school continues to drive standards forward! Fresh techniques and leaders at all levels are embedding their vision which is now visible in the data and is reflecting the positive impact this is having on our children.
- Huge gains in KS2 progress.
- Writing by the end of KS2 is outstanding.
- Children reaching a good level of development is significantly up.
- Massive increase in children reaching Greater Depth in R, W and M combined.
- Reduction in gap between SPAG scores and writing.
A Summary of Data from the Academic Year 2016/17
As a result of a continued drive to achieve The Churchill School data for the academic 2016/17 is something we should all be extremely proud of.
- Huge increase in KS2 combined %.
- Large increase in % reaching greater depth at the end of KS2.
- Writing across the school is up.
- All KS2 progress measures above 0.
A Summary of Data from the Academic Year 2015/16
As a result of hardworking children, consistently good teaching and positive strategic decisions from the Senior Leadership Team, The Churchill School has another set of results to be proud of.
- KS1 and KS2 data is not comparable to last year.
- All data above national averages.
- Phonics screening data continues to increase.
- School performs well under new assessment systems.