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In Year Admissions

Are you looking for a school place for your child?

Applications for in-year admissions are considered in the same way as those made at the beginning of the academic year and are dealt with in accordance the Local Authorities Fair Access Protocol. In-year admissions forms can be obtained from each Academy in the Trust.

Kent County Council has produced a standard form, known as the In-Year Casual Admission Form (IYCAF), which the Academy Trust uses to allow applicants to apply for school places in any year group outside of the normal admission round. Details can be found on the LA website following the link below; 

Forms must be returned to the individual Academy and will be processed no later than 5 working days from receipt.

We would be happy to show you around our school, and we welcome visits from prospective parents during the school day. We feel that visiting us at this time allows you to meet both staff and children and see first-hand what our school has to offer your child.

 Please contact our Admission Officer Mrs Burgum on 01303 893892 or email