Safeguarding Mission
At The Churchill School we maintain a culture of safety where Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils is paramount. All staff undertake annual training to ensure the highest possible standards and enable staff to implement school policies and procedures linked to keeping our children safe. All staff proactively promote children’s welfare and are committed to listening to children and developing our partnership with parents. This includes following safer recruitment and vetting, having statutory policies linked to Safeguarding (which includes Child Protection and that has now been updated to include having an understanding of the Prevent Duty and to promote British Values).
Wider policies link to the acceptable use of technology, Equality and Diversity and a robust induction period where new team members are brought up to speed amd understand our clear expectations for all staff. As a school community we all have a responsibility to safeguard our children and below are a range of policies and procedures to support this.
If you have an urgent concern regarding Safeguarding please telephone the school to discuss this with Zoe Stone (Headteacher and DSL)
If you have any concerns or worries about a child that you wish to report you can do this by telelphoning the NSPCC on 08088005000.
For our Child Protection Policy please visit our policies page and click the link to EKC Schools Trust Policies.